"Litigating Adverse Possession Cases," a book for practitioners published by the ABA in 2024.

The Modern Law Library Podcast conducted an interview with the author in 2024 concerning the above book.
Litigating Constructive Trusts," a book for practitioners published by the ABA in 2022.

Lecture entitled "What do you mean it isn't my land?" 2024.
Lecture entitled "Litigating Adverse Possession Actions," 2024.
Lecture entitled "Defying Limits: Breaking the Boundaries of Adverse Possession," 2024.
Lecture entitled "Hidden Secrets of Construction Trust Litigation," 2022.
Lecture entitled "Killer Depositions: Tactics, Tips & Techniques That Can Make or Break Your Case," 2020.
Lecture entitled "When Brotherly Love Goes Wrong: Defending Against Constructive Trust Claims," 2013.
(The above lectures are available to attorneys for continuing legal education requirements.)
"Second Department Rules that Cooperative Apartment Owners' Rights are Precarious," New York Real Estate Law Reporter, September 2023 (lead article).
"Quirk in New York UCC Provisions Puts Signers of Company Checks At Risk for Personal Liability,” New York State Bar Association Journal, October, 2004. Article has been cited twice.
“Parties Who Do Not Receive Mail May Have Difficulty Obtaining A Hearing on Service Issues,” New York State Bar Association Journal, September, 2002. Article has been cited three times, including by a law review article, and a New York State Supreme Court judge.
“Appeals Can Deal With the ‘Stain’ of Unpreserved Constitutional Issues If Criteria for Exception Are Met,” New York State Bar Association Journal, Nov-Dec., 2001. Article has been cited three times - once by West's McKinney's Forms, and twice in appellate briefs.
“Evolution of Corporate Usury Laws Has Left Vestigial Statutes that Hinder Business Transactions,” New York State Bar Association Journal, May, 2001. Article has been cited numerous times, including once by a New York federal court.
“Airlines’ private obligations escape deregulation law,” Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, March 25, 1996.
“Claims under equal protection clause pose heavy burden,” Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, April 26, 1995.
Casenote on People v. Hundley, Illinois Bar Journal, January, 1994. Article has been cited once.